Signs It’s Time To Get Your Tankless Heater Serviced

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Rheem RTGH 95DVLN Indoor Direct Vent Tankless Natural Gas Water Heater image

Signs That Your Tankless Water Heater Needs Service

There are more than a few signs that a tankless water heater requires service. The most prominent of these signs include the following.

Your Water Pressure Is Off
As it’s exposed to contaminated water, a water heater can become filled with various minerals. These minerals can, in turn, cling to the water heater, thereby restricting its water passageways.

The result of this? Inconsistencies in water pressure throughout the home. In some cases, water pressure will be much higher than normal; in other cases, water pressure will be much lower than normal.

If you’re dealing with a problem, one that can be fixed by a professional plumber. So, make the call to your local plumber and your water pressure will be back to normal in no time.

Your Water Heater Is Shutting Off Randomly
When a water heater is impaired, it will start shutting off randomly. This is due to a fault within the water heater. The fault puts additional strain on the heater’s components, causing them to overheat and shut down.

Fortunately, this is a fix. Bring your plumber in for a repair session and they will have your heater maintained properly in no time.

Your Water Heater Is Telling You It Needs Attention
These days, the majority of water heaters are equipped with digital screens. The great thing about these screens is that they can communicate with their users, telling them when their corresponding water heaters are experiencing complications.

If your digital screen gives you a warning signal, you need to take it seriously. It might not spell immediate doom. But it does signal that severe complications are potentially around the corner.

So, bring in your local plumber to find the source of the problem. They will detect it and then make any necessary repairs.

Your Tankless Water Heater Is Leaking
Tankless water heaters are meant to contain the water that runs through them. As such, if there’s ever water leaking out of your water heater, you know there’s something wrong with it.

This is generally indicative of a severe structural issue. At the very least, your water heater will require intensive repairs.

Your Water Can’t Stay Hot for the Duration of a Shower
The average shower takes around 8 minutes. This is nowhere near enough time for a water heater’s supply to run out. As such, if you’re losing hot water by the end of your shower, you know there’s a problem. Bring in a plumber for an inspection and water heater service.

Your Water Isn’t Hot at All
The surest sign that your water heater requires attention is that your water isn’t hot. After all, the entire point of a water heater is to, well, heater water.

You probably won’t hesitate to call for help at this point. You need hot water for tons of everyday tasks, from washing dishes to showering to washing clothes and more. So, call up your plumber and get the necessary fix.

No matter what you do, you’re bound to deal with water heater issues from time to time. Note, however, that the better job you do of maintaining your water heater, the fewer issues it will deal with.

Curious as to what water heater maintenance entails? Read on for more information.

Remove the Minerals from Your Water
One of the most common causes of water heater issues is mineral buildup. As such, the more minerals that exist in your water, the more frequently your water hater will experience breakdowns.

The solution to this problem? Remove as many of the minerals as possible.  Keep them functional, and you’ll rid your water of minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Flush Your Water Heater
In addition to proactively removing minerals from your water, you should also be sure to flush your water heater regularly. Generally, a flush every 12 months or so will suffice.

Have It Inspected By a Professional
A professional plumber will be able to inspect the water heater thoroughly, ensuring that there are no trouble spots cropping up. Your plumber will also flush out your water heater, giving it a thorough cleaning and making sure that it’s operating at an optimal level.

There are all kinds of small water heater problems that a professional plumber can nip in the bud. But they have to be able to detect them first. So, schedule an appointment and ensure that nothing goes unchecked.

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